Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Overheard at the dinner table...

Eddie: Where is Chad?
Bryce: Africa
Eddie: Where is China?
Annie: Asia
Eddie: Where is Argentina?
Bryce: South America
Eddie: Where is Vietnam?
Annie: Asia
Eddie: Where is Niger?
Bryce: Africa
Eddie: Where is Turkey?
Isaac: At the farm


  1. ROFL and seriously impressive all at once. Your kids are so multi deminsional :)

  2. I agree with Sabra; those are some smart kids!

    It's good to catch up with you over here on blogger. I really like your new header. Did you create it in Photoshop?

  3. Thanks!

    G-- I had a friend make the new header for me. I don't have photoshop and wouldn't know how to use it anyway.

  4. What a bunch of smartie-pants!

  5. Lol! This reminds me of my own kid funny... years ago we had a babysitter named Erica. It was not a name Adriana had heard before, I guess, because she kept calling her Africa! Pretty funny coming from a 3 yo.

  6. I remember the country Chad tripping me up. It's an awful name for a country. Where is Chad? Chad who? You know?

    Bryce is a smart kid. Looks like I better go buy a globe!
