Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm breaking up with Jack Bauer

I'm so over 24, but I'm forcing myself to watch the last four episodes of this season, because, well, stopping now would be like breaking up the week before the prom, which I seem to remember from my dating days is a big no-no.

A year ago, when we watched seasons 1&2 in rapid succession, I was totally infatuated with 24. I loved the format, loved the action, loved the storylines. I loved that it went places no show (other than The Sopranos, maybe) has gone before in terms of killing off major characters. I didn't even really mind the violence. I was hooked. Eddie and I would sometimes watch two or three episodes in an evening. I think he watched about 12 hours worth of season two in one day when the kids and I were on vacation.

But I'm just not that into Jack anymore. The drama-- I've seen it. The large-scale attacks-- I've seen them. The violence-- I've seen it. The torture-- I've seen it. The death of a president-- yep, seen that too. And in this season, other than bickering between Chloe and Morris and Bill and Karen, it's really missing the human element.

And Monday night has become such great night for tv over the last few months. We're hooked on Heroes, and even though I'm not super-fond of this particular Bachelor, I much prefer the unintentional high comedy of that show to the overly serious nature of 24. Even the NBA playoffs seem more interesting than Jack and his crew. Yesterday Eddie and I were watching Monday night's episode (gotta love the dvr) and the synopsis of the episode said something like "CTU operatives try to defuse a difficult situation." We were laughing because every single episode in the last six seasons could be described that way. Jack, you may be cute, but you're kind of boring, and you're starting to get on my nerves.

That said, there is still a chance I might want to get back together sometime in the future. I unceremoniously dumped The Amazing Race a few years ago, but we've watched the last two seasons religiously. I was pretty down on The Sopranos a year ago, but now I'm hooked again. I'm fickle like that-- and if there's nothing better on Monday nights next season, you just might win me back.

Don't feel too bad though, Jack. You might have some company soon, in the form of another Jack. I have a feeling that LOST is next on my breakup list.

--originally published 4/25/07

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