Saturday, August 18, 2007

Book #43: One Good Turn

Title: One Good Turn
Author: Kate Atkinson

In One Good Turn, a group of people is gathered outside a theatre during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival when they witness an episode of road rage. Atkinson then follows the stories of the victim, the perpetrator, and several witnesses over the next few days as their lives become more and more interconnected.

After reading Behind the Scenes at the Museum, I thought I knew what to expect from Kate Atkinson-- intellectual chick-lit (is that an oxymoron?). But One Good Turn is so different. Instead of a family drama, it's a thriller. And even though the genre is so different, it's equally fantastic, if you can suspend disbelief and actually believe that there are only about ten people in Edinburgh (the coincidences in the book are amazing, but Atkinson seems very aware that she's taking us for an unrealistic ride, and having fun with it).

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